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Gay Rights

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:11 pm
by Spidey
Father fights same-sex couple for access to daughter
Mon, 13 Sep 2004

MONTREAL - A one-year-old girl is at the centre of a court battle in Montreal between a lesbian couple and the child's biological father.

The man is asking the court for access to the girl and for the right to have his name on the her birth certificate. But the two women say he was simply a sperm donor and they are the child's legal parents.

The man says he was always more than just a sperm donor. He says he and the child's biological mother had dated for year. He says they had gone to see a fertility specialist together, had planned a baby together and it was always understood he would be an involved father.

He maintains that the mother's lesbian partner didn't want a child and yet her name appears on the birth certificate.

An earlier court ruling gave the father a temporary right to visit the girl three times a week. Now he wants to make the right to access permanent.

The case could have an impact on other couples who rely on sperm or egg donations to have children.

It could also test the parental rights of same-sex couples, says Diane Labelle, who represents gay and lesbian organizations in Quebec. She says it is important for people to have firm agreement on their parental roles before conception.

"In this case, when you do not have a letter of intent it becomes very murky when you try to work it out," said Labelle.

But there are more than just the legal rights of parents at stake. Medical ethicist Margaret Somerville says her principal concern is the child. "I'd rather start from the rights of kids. Does the kid have a right to know who its father is? I think it's wrong to create genetic orphans."

The case will be back in Quebec Superior Court on Tuesday.

The two women and the father had tried to have the media excluded from covering the case because it involves a great deal of personal information. But the judge acknowledged that there is a lot of public interest in the case.

So far the only restriction placed on the media is not to identity any of the people involved.
Now this irks the hell out of me. :mad:

This politically correctness has gone too far IMO.

I have been involved with street kids and I can tell you every child needs a good strong mother and father role model.

When the rights of a 'trendy' minority supercedes the rights of a biological majority there is something wrong with that.

God put us on earth to procreate.

I am not a religous zealot by any means, nor am I a bigoted homophobe.

I do know that my hormones tell me to have sex and make babies so that our spieces may survive.

Shirley it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out 8-)

Taking an integral part of the equation doesn't seem 'right' to me.

So who's rights are right?


Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 7:35 am
by nucks_girl
that's a pretty loaded poll question. the answer can't always be answered in one way. it depends much upon the situation of all parties involved. here, it sounds like there's a father who wants to be involved, and i see no reason why his right to his daughter should be taken away. that's ridiculous.

if she really wanted just a sperm donor, she should have gone to a sperm clinic and gotten an anonymous donor, and not been so stupid to think he wouldn't want to be a part of his childs life. even if he HAD said he would only be a donor, who's to say he'd feel like that forever?

this can also link to the rights of gay couples to adopt children. i think they should be allowed to because theres a lot of couples i've seen in my life, and single parents, who have no right to be raising a child. anyone's argument of a child needing a father and mother in this point is mute, because more than anything, they need a good home and love.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:03 am
by Spidey
nucks_girl wrote:that's a pretty loaded poll question. the answer can't always be answered in one way. it depends much upon the situation of all parties involved. here, it sounds like there's a father who wants to be involved, and i see no reason why his right to his daughter should be taken away. that's ridiculous.

if she really wanted just a sperm donor, she should have gone to a sperm clinic and gotten an anonymous donor, and not been so stupid to think he wouldn't want to be a part of his childs life. even if he HAD said he would only be a donor, who's to say he'd feel like that forever?

this can also link to the rights of gay couples to adopt children. i think they should be allowed to because theres a lot of couples i've seen in my life, and single parents, who have no right to be raising a child. anyone's argument of a child needing a father and mother in this point is mute, because more than anything, they need a good home and love.

It is in QueBec

And we all know the questions are always more confusing than the answers :roll:

It raises, a lot of rights.

Does an anonymous sperm donor have the right to "change their mind" or in case of a "rightful hier" to a large estate that must be tracked down.

Any lawyer will tell you an agreement isn't worth the paper it's written down on (HELLo CBA) and can be challenged in court over and over again ("Hi" Wade "Hi" Roe).

I do agree with you ng (Angie?! :D ) love is love and sometimes same sex or single parents are beter than some terrible 'hetero' couples, however, a Strong male and a Strong female role model is very important in a childs upbringing. I fear for same-sex couples who do not provide gender identification for thier children thinking that 'God', nature or society will provide this for them. Sex is determined before birth (in the womans womb), gender is determined after birth (in the 'family' room).

Gotta trust me on this one ng, I know of what I speaketh ;)


Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:00 pm
by LotusBlossomG
Spiderman is correct. Children need strong male and female role models, parents namely. I do know how I feel about this, but I would rather not voice my opinion on the matter.

I can't even use my LotusBlossom ID on here I had to add a damn G at the end :(

Fuckity fuck!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:19 pm
by Spidey
LotusBlossomG wrote:Spiderman is correct. Children need strong male and female role models, parents namely. I do know how I feel about this, but I would rather not voice my opinion on the matter.

I can't even use my LotusBlossom ID on here I had to add a damn G at the end :(

Fuckity fuck!

Am eye glad to seeeeeeeee u :D

What are ya chicken?! Go ahead speak your mind, tell us how you really feel (God how I wish I new how you feel :P )

It's not like they'll string you up and hang you out to drive 'cause you're another "Centraler" :roll:

LBG works fo me, why not k.i.s.s. (keep it simple sugar) :twisted:

Say "Hi" to the boyz back home for me will ya, I gotta run now and defend my honor...


Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:32 pm
by LotusBlossomG
Spidey, you're the reason I decided to cometh to the cornereth. I heard that bastard was here as well ;)

So when are we having our 3way :O :D :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 5:48 pm
by Spidey
LotusBlossomG wrote:Spidey, you're the reason I decided to cometh to the cornereth. I heard that bastard was here as well ;)

So when are we having our 3way :O :D :lol:
Why? Are you single again? :twisted:

OD wuz here, he was one post short of a ban so he left for greener pastures... speaking of which...

Hows your golf game?! :roll:


Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 9:11 pm
by ververgaert
I don't think genetic mistakes should be allowed to adopt children. I think the risks of a " decent" (sic) gay couple adopting a child are way outwieghed by the huge posibility of two freaks getting there disgusting hands on a little blue eyed blond boy who will have to wear diapers for the rest of his life because his asshole is the size of a dinner plate.

Is that realy worth the risk to even one child to satisfy some people's need to be politicaly correct? Not F@#king likely!

Just my opinion.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:01 pm
by LotusBlossomG
Spidey wrote:
LotusBlossomG wrote:Spidey, you're the reason I decided to cometh to the cornereth. I heard that bastard was here as well ;)

So when are we having our 3way :O :D :lol:
Why? Are you single again? :twisted:

OD wuz here, he was one post short of a ban so he left for greener pastures... speaking of which...

Hows your golf game?! :roll:

No, I am not single again, I am eternally single ;). I am single until I get a ring on my finger :)

My golf game wasn't too bad, I shot 10 over par last week during a "dry" day. Not bad for a chicky :D

Eh...this place is different than the other place. Less flaming over here.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:49 pm
by Spidey
ververgaert wrote:I don't think genetic mistakes should be allowed to adopt children. I think the risks of a " decent" (sic) gay couple adopting a child are way outwieghed by the huge posibility of two freaks getting there disgusting hands on a little blue eyed blond boy who will have to wear diapers for the rest of his life because his asshole is the size of a dinner plate.

Is that realy worth the risk to even one child to satisfy some people's need to be politicaly correct? Not F@#king likely!

Just my opinion.
What are you saying? 1 in 10 gay couples are pedophiles because they are gay?

That's sooooooooooooooooooo gay.

Just my opinion :roll:

ArachNotGayItOnlyLooksThatWay :shock:

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:50 pm
by LotusBlossomG
Spidey wrote: What are you saying? 1 in 10 gay couples are pedophiles because they are gay?

That's sooooooooooooooooooo gay.

Just my opinion :roll:

ArachNotGayItOnlyLooksThatWay :shock:
speaking of Gay...has GM made an appearance here yet?

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:55 pm
by Spidey
LotusBlossomG wrote:No, I am not single again, I am eternally single ;). I am single until I get a ring on my finger :)[/b]

Only on your finger? :roll: OK bachelorette #4 :lol:
My golf game wasn't too bad, I shot 10 over par last week during a "dry" day. Not bad for a chicky :D.
Beats me (you try golfing in the Phillipines, apparently the caddies are fucking amazing :twisted: )
Eh...this place is different than the other place. Less flaming over here.
Oh they'res flaming going on *looks up 3 posts* just a different kind.

Takes some getting used too, this being nice to each other


Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:32 pm
by Heavy_P
This is pretty screwed up...............

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 10:57 pm
by ververgaert
Probably more like 98 out of 100 Spidey.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:43 am
by Spidey
ververgaert wrote:Probably more like 98 out of 100 Spidey.
Wow, that's a lot.

Y'know Verve, I'm on record as not liking anything gay, rights, fashion, TV shows, Edmonton Oilers, racists.

I really can't stand them.

I'm not, however, Politically Correct.

Butt I figure if a guy like Jesus Christ, while aboring everything they stand for a can acknowledge they have the right to be here, then I geuss I can tolerate them.

That's it though.


Nothing more, nothing less.

Your statement, like your racial dicrimnation before it, belongs in Nazi Germany not in Big Beautiful British Columbia.

Perhaps your energies would best be channeled towards the positive, something like organizing HeteroSexual Rights Proud Day Parade (in Toronto I call it Carabana :lol: )
